Marmite conducted research to better understand the South African youth and what they thought about Marmite. The results were astonishing – Marmite had very little relevance. How could this be? How can so many people not know about such an iconic brand? We needed to change this.

“If Mother didn’t tell you about Marmite, what else didn’t she tell you?” – A campaign line that brought to life everything unknown, interesting or downright bizarre. One thing your mother definitely didn’t tell you are scary stories – local and traditional- that spring from Halloween. Since we’ve positioned ourselves as the spread that tells you things your mother didn’t tell you, we thought it appropriate to connect the dots, and created a Halloween campaign that did just that.

The tactical Halloween campaign ‘Don’t be afraid of the Dark’ encourages people to be brave and try the original dark stuff, because there really isn’t anything to be afraid of.

Creative Directors: Jake Bester, Gareth McPherson
Design Directors: Dani Loureiro, Bridget McLaren
Copywriters: Jake Bester, Gisele Human, Neil Meyer, Craig Walford 
Designers: Dani Loureiro, Bridget McLaren, Andrew Ringrose, Josh Foster
Illustrators: Dani Loureiro, Andrew Ringrose
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Original artwork: Andrew Ringrose
Mural: Nick Herbert
Animation: Natalie Perel / Nick Herbert
Editor: Natalie Perel
Sound design: Say Thank You
Wall Mural- Original artwork by Andrew Ringrose, mural by Nick Herbet
Original Artwork by Andrew Ringrose
Wall Mural- Original artwork by Andrew Ringrose, mural by Nick Herbet
Wall Mural- Original artwork by Andrew Ringrose, mural by Nick Herbet
Pack delivered to media
USB drives
Marmite limited edition Halloween jar- design by Josh Hilton Foster
Marmite limited edition Halloween jar- design by Josh Hilton Foster
13 Dark Tales- a book of South African ghost stories
Written by Gisele Human, Craig Walford
Designed by Bridget McLaren
Illustrated by Dani Loureiro, Andrew Ringrose
13 Dark Tales- book cover without dust jacket
Audiobooks - A recording of three of the Dark Tales 

Director -  Gisele Human 
Narrator -  Patrick Lyster
Creative Director - Jake Bester & Gareth McPhearson 
Production house - The Work Room 
Engineer - Ryan Millard 

The Children of Bellevue - Craig Walford 
The Ghost & The Janitor - Gisele Human 
The Uniondale Hitchhiker - Craig Walford 

Illustration by Andrew Ringrose
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Illustration by Andrew Ringrose
Illustration by Andrew Ringrose
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Illustration by Andrew Ringrose
Illustration by Andrew Ringrose
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
 Illustration by Andrew Ringrose
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Illustration by Dani Loureiro
Marmite Figurine- Designed by Joshua Hilton Foster and Neil Meyer, modeled by Amy Rusch
 Marmite Figurine- Designed by Joshua Hilton Foster and Neil Meyer, modeled by Melissa Cohen
 Marmite Figurine- Designed by Joshua Hilton Foster and Neil Meyer, modeled by Jacqueline Viljoen
Design by Joshua Hilton Foster
Design by Joshua Hilton Foster
Design by Joshua Hilton Foster
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